List Of Musical Instruments - Music Instruments
The following is a list of musical instruments, categorized by section. This includes the variations of categories, but not the categories themselves.
Percussion instruments
- Celesta
- Crystallophone
- Glasschord
- Glass harmonica
- Hydraulophone
- Plasmaphone
- Pyrophone
- Quintephone
- Asadullah (Meerut, India)
- Sea organ
- Shishi odoshi (Japan)
- Suikinkutsu (Japanese water zither)
- Wobble board (Australia)
Wind instruments (aerophones)
Stringed instruments (chordophones)
- Clavinet
- Viola organista
- Wheelharp
Electronic instruments (electrophones)
- AlphaSphere
- Audiocubes
- Croix Sonore
- Denis d'or
- Dubreq stylophone
- Drum machine
- Eigenharp
- Electronic organ
- Fingerboard synthesizer
- Hammond organ
- Jammer keyboard
- Keyboard
- Keytar
- Kraakdoos (or cracklebox)
- Laser harp
- Mellotron
- MIDI keyboard
- Ondes Martenot
- Omnichord
- Sampler
- Seaboard_music_instrument
- Skoog
- Synclavier
- Synthesizer
- Teleharmonium
- Tembûr
- Tenori-on
- Theremin
- Turntable
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